It's getting to be time once again for Mission Matawan, a program of the First Presbyterian Church of Matawan that has been helping our neighbors in need since 2003. The build up to the late June event always involves a fundraiser. This year, with the help of Starbucks, Mission Matawan will be hosting a coffee house event in the church's fellowship hall on Friday 22 May 2009 at 7:30 pm. There will be singers, musicians, clowns, comics, and poets to entertain you. And there will be coffee and snacks.
The church is located off Route 34 at Franklin Street in Matawan. The church can be reached at 732-566-2663 or june@fpc-matawan.org
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What a great event for the church to hold! And kudos to Starbucks of Matawan who seem to turn up to volunteer at many town events around the area.