Black Spanish Chickens |
The trip between South Amboy and Matawan was about to get much shorter (6 miles instead of 9) by the installation of a free bridge at the mouth of Cheesequake Creek, near the location of the former bridge. The Middlesex Board of Freeholders invited officials from Matawan to come to the site for discussions. A committee was formed and movement towards a new bridge was nearly guaranteed.
Locals were buying stock in the new New York and Long Branch Railroad. Workers were making progress on the line as fast as the weather would allow.
Bishop Michael A Corrigan |
Henry Patterson's barn burned down near Red Bank. Seven cows were saved but a badly burned horse had to be put down.
"Father Hickey, formerly of New Brunswick, has been suspended from the exercise of priestly functions by Bishop Corrigan." Hmmm.
Temperance societies in Bloomfield took out a newspaper ad warning local saloon and hotel keepers that if they continued selling liquor on Sundays, the societies would take them to court.
John H Farry, the owner-operator of a Matawan hotel, held the primary meeting for Matawan Township at his place of business. The first order of business was to decide that it was a Democratic primary and no Republicans would be allowed to vote that day. Next, the host was named the Democratic candidate for Chosen Freeholder, claiming the home advantage over his only competitor, Captain William S Hornor. Other Democratic candidates were:
- Judge of Election: K H Wyckoff
- Town Clerk: C T Bailey
- Assessor: Benj. Griggs
- Collector: J H Hornor
- Overseer of Poor: W W Hartshorne
- Commissioners of Appeal: W W Disbrow, Josiah Van Schoik, L Cartan
- Surveyors of Highways: L Cady, W L Roberts
- Township Committee: Hendrick Wyckoff, James Lambertson, Abram Thompson
- Constable: J N Disbrow
- Pound Keepers: Wm W Disbrow, Jr, R Worrell, W Stillwaggon
Next Election would be held at J H Farry's.
Next Town Meeting would be at R Worrell's
Mr Farry's Bavarian laborer named Henry Rote was kicked by a horse and severely injured.
Came to the premises of the subscriber on Tuesday Feb 17th
with white back and large horns, 13 or 14 years old. The owner can have the same by proving property and paying expenses. JAMES PREST. Marlboro Township, March 7th, 1874
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