What did we lose with the $88k (18.6%) reduction in the township's funding of the Cliffwood Beach Sea Wall Project, which took place at the 27 December 2011 council meeting? The minutes were just released and there's no explanation for the adjustment.
Change Order No. 1 Sea Wall Park Project: Contract for aforementioned project was awarded to B&B Construction, LLC in the amount of $472,885.00. Change Order No. 1 was prepared and executed with a net decrease of $88,413.00 for a total contract amount of $384,472.00. (Workshop minutes)
RESOLUTION NO. 2011-137 – BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Council that it hereby approves Change Order No. 1 for the Sea Wall Park Project. (Meeting minutes)
The Patch covered the story at the time, saying "The resolution states that the reduction brings the cost of the project within the amount of funds available through grants."
I just don't see that the resolution offered any justification for the cut. What's up? Are we not getting something or did the contract come in under budget? Is there some significance to this action taking place at year end, just before the new Council was installed?
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