The 23 Dec 1871 edition of The Matawan Journal included these advertisements, among others, on the front page, right below the listing of local marriages and deaths. Many were for elixirs and tonics, ever-present but of dubious value.
- An old Baltimore negro who had emigrated to Liberia years ago ordered a quantity of Dr Bell's Cough Syrup a short time ago, stating that although coughs and colds were not frequent in Africa, he would not like to be without it in his family.
- CHRISTMAS CANDIES for sale at Ben E Griggs popular grocery store.
- If you would save yourself from Pneumonia and your children from Croup, use the "People's Sure Cough Cure" on the first appearance of a Cold. A child's life was saved the other night by having it in the house. Sold by Druggists and Merchants generally. Price 63 cts.
- NOTICE: Persons going to New York to purchase holiday presents, etc, can have them delivered at their homes in Matawan or Keyport by ordering them sent, at the store where purchased,by Adams' or the Central Express, thus saving them the trouble of carrying them. J L M Dominick, Agent.
- HOLIDAY GOODS: You can make no nicer or more acceptable present than a new dress, pair of shoes or gloves, towels, napkins, fine writing paper, toilet soap, perfumery, jewelry, lamps, crockery, etc, -- All the above and many other Holiday presents may be found, cheap for each, at Henry L Holbrook's.
- What more suitable and valuable Holiday Present can you select than some article of clothing from the store of E I Brown? A half-dozen shirts, neckties, collars, cuffs, suit of clothes, a hat, etc, etc.
- Can't go to Church? Why not? O! my cough would disturb the congregation. Cure it then with "Hale's Honey of Horehound and Tar," a pure vegetable remedy, unfailing as the Sun and mild and harmless as the summer air. Sold by all druggists. Pike's Toothache Drops cure in one minute.
- You can buy Wishart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial at Geo W Bell's drug store.
- NERVOUS DEBILITY, Vital weakness or depression: a weak exhausted feeling, no energy or courage, the result of mental overwork, indescretion or excuses, or some drain upon the system is always cured by Humphrey's Homeopathic Specific No 28. It tones up and invigorates the system, dispels the gloom and despondency, imparts strength and energy - stops the drain and rejuvenates the entire man. Been used twenty years with perfect success by thousands. Sold by dealers. Price, $1.00 per single vial or $5.00 per package of five vials and $3.00 vial of powder. Sent by and on receipt of price. Address: Humphrey's Homeopathic Medicine Company, 562 Broadway, New York.
- COAL! At Holmdel Station BY JOSEPH D HOFF AND SON, FOR CASH. Lehigh and Wilkes-Barre Coal, as good as the best and as cheap as the cheapest. Also, Genuine Cumberland Coal, for blacksmiths, constantly on hand.
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