A blog about living in Aberdeen, New Jersey.

Monday, March 29, 2010

School Board Eliminating MAMS and MRHS School Librarians

As part of the current effort to dismantle education and culture in New Jersey, MARSD announced Monday that they will no longer provide librarians for our middle and high schools. Connie S Paul, Executive Director of the Central Jersey Regional Library Cooperative, wrote this weekend to urge Dr O'Malley to reconsider, pointing out a recent Forbes magazine article that stresses the importance of librarians to education. I guess there will be another opening on the library's board of trustees if this decision is not reversed.

The Asbury Park Press has taken Christie's side, based on the editors interview published in Sunday's Press. Their questions were softballs meant to highlight his agenda. Some of the questions were tinged with negative images of teachers, public workers, and their unions. I guess the paper decided to side with the slash and burn taxpayer revolt. Notice that in this interview, all of the things Christie wants to accomplish are tax cuts. There's truly no substance here, just the promise of some loose change in your pocket.

Maybe I'm cynical, but don't you think it is more than coincidence that Christie's doomsday budget cuts are precisely the amount needed from teachers to make this nightmare go away? Even more, did you notice that Christie wants $750 in givebacks from each teacher, the same amount he says teachers pay annually in union dues? What's with his persecution of labor anyway?


  1. Thank you for writing this. I, too, am just sick about the state of the middle and high school libraries in this town. I have written 2-3 emails to the Board and O'Malley. What else can be done? Does O'Malley ever respond to people or is he in an ivory tower, untouchable by all but his Board??

  2. I'm greatly distressed by the overall negative turn of events. It is blatant anti-intellectualism propelled by libertarianism. I heard that Ms Iovino cried as she spoke about her impending job loss at the recent library trustees meeting and was asked to get back on topic. And what important topic needed to be discussed? Oh, yeah: the library logo contest. I'm glad to see the board has its priorities straight.
