A blog about living in Aberdeen, New Jersey.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Aberdeen Township 2013 Reorganization Meeting Agenda Lacks Details

The Aberdeen Township Council reorganization agenda scheduled for 2 Jan 2013 lacks the necessary attachments to know who is being nominated and what policies are being proposed, etc. Who are the nominees for zoning and planning? What is the planned schedule for Council meetings this year? What are the official depositories for Township accounts? What is the interest penalty rate for delinquent accounts? What are the recreation fees? Will you be releasing the budgets and target enforcement zone designations? 


  1. Did your blog endorse these people in 2011?

    1. What do you mean? I don't understand what you want to know.

  2. I was wondering if you endorsed them in the last election. You lean towards progressive views in many of of your posts. The council members are fully democratic, are you unhappy with that?

    1. It's a fair question. In recent election campaigns I have recommended here that voters put some Republicans on the Aberdeen Town Council, not to support Republicanism but in the hope that we could end one-party rule. I don't think an all-Republican board in Matawan is healthy either. I guess party blindness is the ultimate progressive position.

      As for my comments about the published agenda, I've been pressing the Aberdeen Council for quite a while to be more forthcoming with online information. It's just good practice. They're pretty good at this, but occasionally they slip up.
