One of the nice things about living on Treasure Lake is the interesting birds found here. I usually hear the belted kingfisher cackling before I see him flying over and diving into the lake.

He nests in the ground somewhere along the lakeshore. Then there is the night heron that roosts in the tree behind

the house just over the lake. In the early morning I hear the northern flicker pecking at the rotted wood at the top of a tall oak in the front corner of the yard. We get downy and

red-headed woodpeckers, too. Once or twice a year

we are visited by a small cluster of brown-headed cowbirds feeding on the ground in the front yard. We have a brown creeper who circles up the bark of our oaks.
In the fall the goldenrod along the seawall attracts ruby crowned kinglets. From spring to fall we have white-throated sparrows. You can do some birdwatching at Treasure Lake by heading down to the park by the bay at Cliffwood Beach and walking along a path near the seawall towards Keyport.

It's true. One can sit and watch the birds of the wetlands for hours there. I've seen tons of varieties of those you posted above, as well as the occasional Cardinal, Blue Jay, and even some raptors.
ReplyDeleteI didn't mention the killdeer, cattle egrets, chickadees, titmice, and field sparrows. Commons here include house sparrows, house finches, Canada geese, various ducks, grackles, robins, starlings, catbirds, and mockingbirds. I've seen the NJ state bird -- the goldfinch -- but usually in the woods down near the seawall. I'll never forget the hawk that wandered into our yard during the spring migration one year and set about to prey on small birds.
ReplyDeleteHello there - we at the Basie just wanted to say thank you for linking us on your blog. We appreciate your support!
ReplyDeleteCount Basie Theatre is the best. We were introduced to the theatre long ago by our dentist at the time, Dr. Feinswog, who gave us complimentary tickets. I guess he was an early sponsor and advocate.
ReplyDeleteI encourage people in Aberdeen to visit Red Bank, which is a real cultural hub. Take in a show at the Basie, or an indie flick at the Clearview, or just do some window shopping. Red Bank has interesting shops for bed and bath, book sellers, art dealers, and dress shops, among other things. We always accompany our outings with coffee at Starbucks, a stop in a candy shop, a snack at Zebu, or dinner and drinks at one of the many restaurants and pubs. Get on the Basie's mailing list and you'll always be ready for a fun evening.
Hi i have a question. my friend lives on treasure lake and i used to months ago. the lake shows signs of boiling in the summer, half of the wildlife is dying and you dont see turtles walking around like we did for the last 10+ years.
ReplyDeleteIn adition i am concerned that our taxes are so high that we should be living in holmdel at these rates and not only that if from a demographic perspective most of us are hard working people while being killed by township taxes and continuing promises that we have yet to seen. I agree the goodwill store will only continue to bring down the value of our homes, and they removed the bars etc which im okay with but that was helping to support the economy. Lastly as im still frustrated they put in a volley ball sand area and skate rink that no one uses and floods during the rain. really how crooked is this all sound?