A blog about living in Aberdeen, New Jersey.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

History: Matawan Presbyterian Choir, Matawan (1929)

Below is an update on the music program at the First Presbyterian Church of Matawan, as reported in the 4 Oct 1929 edition of The Matawan Journal (pg 5 col 3).

Past Year's Work Has Been Especially Successful.

The Presbyterian choir began its fall and winter activities this month under the continued leadership of Mrs. Wilson W. Hobrough. The year's work just closed has been especially successful.

An anthem was provided for each Sunday morning service and two anthems for the evening service throughout the year, with the exception of August when special solos were rendered by vocalists who were not in the regular church choir. On one Sunday evening of each the winter months, the service was made up almost entirely of music. At Easter a cantata was given by an augmented choir of twenty voices, with instrumental accompaniment of organ, piano, flute and violin.

A feature of the choir work has been the fostering of the social life of the organization. Socials have been held in the lecture room of the church, and in the homes of the members. An out-of-doors picnic was held at Matthews' Log Cabin * and a shore dinner enjoyed at Asbury Park.

Emerson J. Lisk is president of the choir, Miss G. M. Farry, vice president; W. Oliver Diggin, secretary and treasurer; Mrs. Wilson W. Hobrough, director, and Mrs. George Davison, organist. Gustav Vockler,  flutist; Miss Edith Davison, pianist, and Mrs William Pengel, violinist assisted on special occasions.  Assisting soloists were Mrs. Conover Burlew, soprano; Harry Bolte, Jr. of Keyport, and Dr. William Pengel, baritone. Out-of-town soloists were Miss Mildred Morrison, of Dayton, O., and Miss Marie Ruesch, of Fair Haven.

* The 23 Jul 1930 edition of The Red Bank Register has a reference to Matthew's Log Cabin as a picnic grounds in Colts Neck.


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