A blog about living in Aberdeen, New Jersey.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

History: Local Miscellany, Matawan Journal, 3 Jun 1876

The 3 Jun 1876 edition of The Matawan Journal, included the following sampling of items under Local Miscellany:

  • Rev Andrew Jackson, of the African M E Church, near Matawan, preached his farewell sermon last Sunday evening. 

  • The Sheriff's sale of the 60 building lots at Mechanicsville has been adjourned to Wednesday, June 23rd at the hotel in that place. 

  • The first shipment of thirteen crates of strawberries was sent up on the propeller Wyckoff, on Wednesday evening. 

  • The work was begun on the new session room of the Presbyterian Church, on Wednesday. It is to be located on the east side of the church, and will cost between two and three thousand dollars. Mr D l Walker is the builder. 

  • Dr Geran, always up to the times in matters connected with his profession, has been getting a machine for working upon cavities in the teeth, by which he accomplishes so much for his patients in less than half the time formerly required. Call in and have some of your molar excavations excavated, and see how nicely it operates. 

  • On Monday morning the conductors and brakesmen on the N Y & L B Railroad, received new caps. Those of the conductors have gold tape bands, with the word "conductor" on a front plate; while those for the brakesmen and baggage-carriers have silver tape bands, with a similar plate bearing the name of their position. 


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