
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Kavanaugh Trail: A Bit Waterlogged in Early April

I had such a nice walk last fall along the Kavanaugh Trail that I was anxious to get back there this year, so my wife and I went for a walk today. I was saddened to see there's been considerable damage to the trees over the harsh winter and part of the trail is nearly impassible due to standing water and mud. Hopefully the park authorities will clear the fallen and leaning trees and raise the level of the trail in the wet spots using mulch or gravel.

I took a picture of one of the many bricks along the trail (see below). They are marked C B Co, for Cliffwood Brick Company.

Kavanaugh Trail is still a bit soupy in early April.
Getting past the water and muddy ground can be a challenge.
Many birches have fallen this winter.
There are lots of red bricks marked C B Co along the Kavanaugh Trail. In 1915, the Cliffwood Brick Company employed 600 people, according to Helen Henderson's Matawan and Aberdeen: Of Town and Field, pg 82.

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