
Thursday, May 31, 2012

History: Rev Joseph A Linnane and the St Joseph's Carnival (1924)

The front page of the 8 August 1924 edition of The Matawan Journal contains one of the earliest reviews of the St Joseph's Carnival in Keyport. Reverend Joseph A Linnane established the parish carnival and rebuilt the parish school soon after arriving in Keyport in 1923.

Four-day Event In Parish Hall was a Social and Financial Success. 

The summer carnival of St. Joseph's Parish, held from July 30th to August 2d, inclusive, was a very successful event both from a social and financial standpoint. Crowds were present each of the four evenings it was in progress and there were many enthusiastic buyers. A chicken supper was served on the opening night and over 600 persons were fed.

No detailed financial statement can be given at the present time as many who bad books of coupons to sell on articles disposed of on the co-operative plan have not reported. It is known, however, that a considerable sum of money was cleared.

The summer festival or carnival was introduced by Rev. Joseph Linnane and was made possible through the erection of the new parish hall in which it was held.
Rev Joseph A Linnane, Rector, St Joseph's Church, Matawan Journal, 23 May 1924


Rev Joseph A Linnane was born 3 Oct 1875 in Westborough, Massachusetts. He was the son of Thomas and Susan Linnane, of Ireland.

The family was living in Westborough in the 1880 Federal Census.   Joseph's father was a stone mason, while his mother was keeping house for their large family. Joseph's 17-year old brother Michael was also a stone mason. His 16-year old sister Mary was a dress maker. He had three more sisters -- Nellie, Susan, and Delia, ages 14, 12, and 7, respectively -- all in school. Joseph was 4. All of the children were born in Massachusetts.

He graduated the College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, Massachusetts, Class of 1898, according to The Holy Cross Purple, pg 489.

Joseph was living with his widowed mother in Westborough in 1900. They traveled to Europe together, then  returned to Boston from Liverpool in September 1901 aboard the S S Saxonia.

Joseph did his theological studies at St Joseph's Seminary at Dunwoodie in Yonkers, NY, according to The Holy Cross Purple, pg 489. He was ordained on 6 June 1903. He was to read his first mass in his home town of Westboro, Mass, then go to serve in the Diocese of Trenton. 

The 7 June 1903 edition of The New York Times described the details of Joseph's ascent to the Roman Catholic priesthood from deacon in an elaborate ceremony conducted by the Archbishop of New York John Murphy Farley at St Patrick's Cathedral in New York City the previous morning. Joseph was one of thirteen deacons raised to the priesthood. Ninety others were ordained in a parallel ceremony. All were students of St Joseph's Seminary at Dunwoodie.

In 1910,  Rev Linnane was a Catholic priest living in Dover, Ocean County, NJ. He was rector at the Catholic church in Toms River, NJ, according to the 6 Apr 1910 edition of The Red Bank Register. He served at St Joseph's church in Toms River, according to references to an undated library gift mentioned in the New Jersey Library Bulletins of 1914, pg xxii, and 1919, pg 6.

Rev Linnane, of Toms River, became a life member of the New Jersey Historical Society on 7 Apr 1913, according to the Proceedings of the Society, pg 190.  He was living in Toms River, NJ when he obtained his US passport in 1916.

Rev Linnane transferred to Keyport from Toms River, NJ in June 1923 and immediately set about replacing the overcrowded school with a new building, according to "Keyport in the 20th Century," by Timothy E Regan, pg 50.

Only months before the 1924 carnival, Father Joseph had officiated at the dedication of the new parochial school building at St Joseph's. See the 23 May 1924 edition of The Matawan Journal for the coverage of that ceremony, and the 18 Apr 1924 edition for details about the new building. (The school was enlarged in 1952, becoming the largest parochial school in the Trenton diocese.)
St Joseph's New Parochial School Building, Matawan Journal, 18 Apr 1924

Monday, May 28, 2012

History: Memorial Park, Matawan (1929)

Some photos of the dedication of a monument to Elizabeth Spader Clark in Memorial Park in Matawan on Armistice Day 1929.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

When the Muskets Roared

Everyone down by Starbucks and Kat Shack had a good scare when the muskets roared!

Memorial Day Parade from Matawan Starbucks

Nice view of Memorial Day parade thru window of Matawan Starbucks. Parking is limited as lot is prepped for paving. Bad timing!

Seabreeze Fishery, Hazlet

I just noticed this evening that the Seabreeze Fishery has replaced Dino's Fishery on Route 35 in Hazlet. It's apparently been open a few weeks. There's been a bit of discussion on Yelp, but my favorite Chowhound hasn't noticed the new place as of this writing, only the closing of Dino's so far.

If you visit and have some constructive observations, feel free to add a comment here.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Papa Ganache Waits on Borough Permits

Papa Ganache, the popular vegan bakery, has been trying to relocate from Keyport to downtown Matawan for months. They've staked out a nice location at 106 Main Street, but they can't move in until they do some construction. As usual, Matawan's permit process is an obstacle to business development. The Borough can't ever seem to get off the dime. I can't begin to tell you how many similar stories I've heard. It's no wonder that there are so many vacancies.

History: Decoration Day, Matawan (May 1887)

Matawan's Civil War memorial activities were announced in the 28 May 1887 edition of The Matawan Journal. The customs of closing stores and flying the flag to properly memorialize the dead were emphasized in a trio of Decoration Day articles on Page 2. Note that the US Post Office would be open for half-hour in the morning and again in the evening to accommodate mail service.

The name "Memorial Day" became more popular after World War II and was officially recognized in 1967. The Grand Army of the Republic (GAR), a Civil War veterans group, initially established the holiday on May 30th because no Civil War battle took place on that date.

Decoration Day Parade

The following arrangements have been made by J. G. Shackelton Post, G. A. R., for the parade next Monday: At 8 A. M. the Post will muster at their room over Griggs' store and headed by the Citizens' Bros Band proceed to Keyport, to unite with the parade there and decorate graves in the two cemeteries near Keyport.

They will return to Matawan at 12, noon, and partake of a oollation in their Post-room. Then the two fire companies of Matawan will form in line with them at 9 P. M., and with the above band in lead will proceed to Rose Hill cemetery, where appropriate services will be held, in which our local clergy will assist. After decorating the graves there, they will return to Matawan and parade to the graveyard at Mt Pleasant and through our principal streets. Returning to the Post-room they will break ranks for the day.

Decoration Day Notes

The Farmers' and Merchants' Bank will be closed on Monday.

The Matawan Journal employees will keep Decoration Day.

Ladies and others are requested to donations of flowers to the Post-room over Griggs' grocery by 9 o'clock Monday morning; or if they will notify any member of the Post, he will call for them. Put out your flags on Monday and give this sign that Matawan appreciates Decoration Day and what it means. Remember the festival by the ladies of the Matawan Baptist Church, in Music Hall, next Monday evening. See advertisement in another column. We give six columns of Decoration Day reading on our first page.

Closing of Stores on Decoration Day

We the undersigned do hereby agree to close our stores on Monday, May 30, at 10 o'clock A. M., in recognition of Decoration Day:

          M. T. Bissell,                      J. B. Woolley,
          Ben E Griggs,                   Mrs E. Lambert,
          Geo. B. Shepherd,             Mrs S. E. Clark,
          Thos. L. Peterman,           C. A. Geran,
          Peterson & Co.,                 E. I. Brown,
          John O'Brien,                     S. Walling & Co.,
         Thos. E. Shepherd,             Smith Bros.,
         E. Emrich,                          A. James,
         Thos. Lupton,                     Mrs. W. A. Dunlop,
         W. A. Fountain,                   Jno. C. Conover,
         L. Cartan & Son,                G. P. Clayton, 
         I. T. Rue & Co.,                  J. S. Harris.

The Matawan post-office will be closed on Decoration Day from 10:30 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. and after 6 P. M.
See also the coverage of the May 1884 parade, which was detailed in this space last year.

Bagelicious Is Now Open in Cliffwood.

Bagelicious is open and busy in Cliffwood.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

History: Student Loans Liberalized in Monmouth County (July 1949)

The 28 July 1949 edition of The Matawan Journal told of the initiation of a new student loan program for those attending the Monmouth Junior College in Monmouth County, New Jersey. Up to $100 was to be available without interest or other charges.

Junior College To Give Student Loans

To help a large number of Monmouth County youth to attend college, the Monmouth Junior College Board of Trustees has approved a liberalizing of plans to give financial aid to students who wish to attend the junior college. Approved were a less restrictive plan for granting loans to students, and a revision of the deferred tuition payment plan. Loans up to $100 per student may now be granted, without interest or other charges, to entering freshmen and sophomores who take a full program of studies. Previously, loans were granted only to second-year students and carried interest charges.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

History: Matawan Bank Gets First Bulletproof Glass in NJ (1930)

The Matawan Bank was the first bank in New Jersey to get bullet-proof glass, according to the front page of the 9 May 1930 edition of The Matawan Journal. Christian Heuser, President of the bank, said something had to be done to protect the bank lest customers get the impression, despite the bank's adequate insurance coverage, that their money was not safe. "Any successful bank hold-up creates a feeling of doubt and uncertainty in the minds of [a bank's] customers," Heuser said.

"Bandits make a study of protective equipment, and know the weak spots," Heuser said. "They are not concerned about the strong points at all. It is the weak spots they are looking for, and the care with which these plans are made insure that they will find that weak spot."

Heuser added, "To have genuine protection, either a cage or the entire work space must be protected from every side and from the top. When this is done, the bandit is at the mercy of the employees. He is in a trap and can be shot without the employees being in danger."

To provide this additional protection The Matawan Bank is installing along the top of the cage a spiked rail. From thc foundation of this rail, pitched at an angle of 45 degrees the working enclosure will be surrounded with a bulletproof steel.mesh three feet high. A new partition of bronze grill with electrically controlled doors, from the inside of the cage only, will be set across the back passage leading to the door of the cage and up to the directors' room. This will make two cage doors necessary to open before entrance can be had to the working cage.

All rear windows on the main floor and upstairs, will be barred. Each window inside the cage has been equipped with the latest automatic revolvers. All this is in addition to the Duplex Electric Alarm System which was installed when the new banking house was built.

The entire entrance vestibule will be rebuilt in bronze. Heavy bronze doors will replace the outside entrance doors while the door jams and vestibule walls will be refitted in bronze.

See "A Brief History of Bulletproof Windows" at the website for Bullet Guard Corporation. Wikipedia's article provides no details of the history of bulletproof glass.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Rivoli Theatre, Matawan (May 1925)

The Rivoli Theatre in Matawan listed the following shows in the 15 May 1925 edition of The Matawan Journal.

Saturday May 16th, 1925

The Lighthouse by the Sea, starring Rin Tin Tin, the Wonder Dog. "The greatest of dog actors in his greatest picture."

Monday May 18th, 1925

Glory Swanson in Manhandled. "Imagine the screen's most gorgeous personality trading her company for jewels and Rolls-Royces and escaping untarnished. Yet she -- we will not spoil it by telling you more."

Tuesday May 19th, 1925

Blanche Sweet, Bessie Love, and Warner Baxter in Those Who Dance. "A melodrama based on existing conditions all over the country as a result of the Volstead Act. Dealing especially with the manufacture and sale of bootleg liquor and its effect on the lives of young folks. Not a reformer picture but one full of life and action and a spectacular automobile wreck."

Blanche Sweet
Bessie Love
Warner Baxter
Wednesday May 20th, 1925

"Cecil B DeMille's gorgeous romance of married life" - Feet of Clay - is "the story of a girl who goes from parties and petting at seventeen to marriage and responsibilities at twenty-one." Starring Rod LaRocque, Vera Reynolds, Ricardo Cortez, Julia Faye, Theodore Kosloff, Robert Edeson, and Victor Varconi.

Feet of Clay (1924)
Thursday May 21st, 1925

Matinee, 3 pm. Prices 15 cents and 30 cents
Evening, 6:45 pm and 9 pm. Prices 25 cents and 50 cents.

4 Big Acts of Vaudeville 4, "a bigger and better show than ever before."
Plus, on the screen: Wine of Youth, "with a special all star cast."

Wine of Youth
Friday and Saturday, May 22nd and 23rd, 1925

He Who Gets Slapped, with Lon Chaney "in a greater role than in the Hunchback of Notre Dame, ably supported by Norma Shearer, John Gilbert, Ford Sterling, and Tully Marshall."

He Who Gets Slapped

History: Standard Gasoline of New Jersey (1925)

The 15 May 1925 edition of The Matawan Journal included this advertisement for Standard Gasoline.

OFF like a shot

At the first crack of the spark. A standing start is no handicap to the car with a tankful of "Standard" - the gasoline that's noted for easy starting.


Lost iPod

I seem to have lost my iPod Classic yesterday somewhere around Aberdeen-Matawan. It was in an olive green fabric case and had the earphones wrapped around it. Probably fell out of my pocket. I'd be elated to get it back but realize the chances are slim. Hope springs eternal. Send me an email or add a comment here.

History: Liberal Building and Loan Association, Matawan (1946)

The 14 February 1946 edition of The Matawan Journal, pg 3, shows just what a World War II veteran could expect upon his return to the States. The GI Bill almost guaranteed soldiers a new house and a reasonable loan to pay for it. Boy, how things have changed.

The ad reads: PRIZED POSSESSION! You, too, can have a home and at a price within your means. All you need is a modest down-payment, and monthly rent-like installments which are fitted to your income. Let us explain our home loan plan to you soon. (Member: Federal Home Loan Bank System)

The above advertisement was for the Liberal Building and Loan Association, 159 Main Street, Matawan, NJ. That address, which is right across Park Avenue from the Matawan-Aberdeen Public Library, is currently the location of the Edward Jones investment firm.

Liberal Building and Loan Association of Matawan was incorporated on 13 February 1920, according to the State of New Jersey Annual Report of the Commission of Banking and Insurance Relative to Building and Loan Associations, 30 June 1920, pg viii, as found at Google Books. The company operated over 70 years and then closed its doors. All of its assets were to be sold to the Red Bank Savings and Loan Association of Red Bank,NJ in late 1971 or early 1972, according to a public notice in the 4 November 1971 edition of The Red Bank Daily Register, pg 27, col 7.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

How Does NJ Get to Lower Taxes and Preserve Quality of Life?

Republican and Democratic calls for tax cuts in New Jersey will have to be funded by cuts to programs, not through revenues, according to projections by the state's non-partisan Office of Legislative Services, as reported by the Newark Star-Ledger. Today's Asbury Park Press has an op-ed piece by Carl Golden that says the same thing. Both parties have accepted Governor Christie's unreasonable expectation of 7% growth, so when that growth turns out to be less, those tax cuts will have to be funded through cuts to schools, roads, and other basic programs.

As you consider NJ political candidates and their stances on these blind tax cuts, irrespective of party, keep in mind that they'll eventually get around to cutting programs that will affect our community's quality of life. Theirs are not the only ideas on how to save money and lower taxes.

I encourage local governments to continue the trend of saving costs by merging services with neighboring communities. They need to do so more aggressively.

And we have too many separate municipalities. We simply don't need hundreds of school superintendents, hundreds of mayors and councils, and hundreds of police departments, water departments, public utility departments, etc, etc. But you have to ask yourself if your politicians and bureaucrats would ever opt for an organizational design that would risk putting them out of work. I suspect that we citizens will have to use the power of referendum to call for muni-mergers before we'll really start to save money.

Sendak Remembered at Fresh Air

I really enjoyed Fresh Air Remembers Author Maurice Sendak, a summary of the best parts of four interviews that host Terry Gross conducted with the famous children's book writer. I can't say enough about how it moved me. It was funny, sad, interesting, and ultimately made me cry. If you or your children read Where the Wild Things Are or In the Night Kitchen, you should feel at home.

Send Amy to Kenya

Amy (Chidichimo) Saxton, is raising money to go to Kenya this summer to help build a bakery there with the Whole Planet Foundation. The foundation is paying for her food and lodging, but she has to come up with the plane ticket, shots, etc. She grew up in Matawan and has been doing all sorts of things to help people in need in recent years. You can see a video about the project and read more about her specific plans at Indigogo. I hope you can help out.

Friday, May 11, 2012

PNC Shuttle at Matawan - 2012

The shuttle bus from Aberdeen Matawan train staion to PNC Bank Arts Center is alive and well.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

A Lot of Prejudice?

The Matawan Borough Council talked at length about the Little Street parking lot at their 2 May 2012 meeting, according to the 10 May 2010 edition of The Independent. Presumably all the fuss is over La Costera Taxi, which has its offices on Little Street. Cabbies from Patsy's and USA have warned me against La Costera at every opportunity. Apparently that agitation against the newcomer taxi service has spilled over into the Council.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Low Tide at Cliffwood Beach, May 2012

I went down to the bay Saturday afternoon at Cliffwood Beach to see if there was a beached sailboat there, as reported in a comment on this blog earlier this week. I didn't see anything. Perhaps it was removed?

I snapped a few pictures while there. It was low tide. There were signs that the horseshoe crabs had come and gone. And there are signs that the bay is eroding the sand bank covering the old pool.

Horseshoe crab at low tide on Cliffwood Beach, NJ

Low tide at Cliffwood Beach, looking westward from seawall.

Low tide at Cliffwood Beach, looking eastward along seawall.

Signs of erosion near old pool at Cliffwood Beach seawall.

Wild flower on access road off Greenwood Avenue

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Bagelicious Relocates to Cliffwood

Bagelicious is moving from Route 34 in Matawan to a storefront on Cliffwood Avenue at Route 35. I'm glad to see a business fill one of the vacancies in that small shopping center in Cliffwood across from A&P. It'll probably grab some of the breakfast business from Wawa and Dunkin Donuts. They're also going to get their share of the local lunch business, too.

I dropped by the old site last weekend to pick up some breakfast bagels and they were closed and apparently dismantling some things. There was a big truck working on the roof, a trailer backed up to the doorway., and a handwritten sign in the door urging customers to visit their new location. I suspect that location was too slow for them, and for Rita's Ices, too.

March 2012 Armed Robbery of Aberdeen BP Solved

Congratulations to the Aberdeen PD for resolving the March 28, 2012 armed robbery of the BP station at Amboy Avenue and Route 35. The gas station, which is just across the street from McDonald's, was held up around 4 am. The man in custody, who is from Essex County, left his fingerprints at the BP station and at a second robbery in Highland Park three days later. The guy obviously doesn't watch CSI.

Former Matawan Resident Faces 5 Years in Prison

A former Matawan resident has admitted in court to stealing $98,000 worth of cooper cable from a Florham Park warehouse in 2008, according to The Daily Record. Police say Andrew Oreckinto, 47, who now lives in Milltown, NY, used a forklift to load 18 spools of cooper cable onto his dump truck. He faces 5 years in prison in NJ as well as unrelated charges in NY.