A blog about living in Aberdeen, New Jersey.

Monday, February 20, 2012

History: Progressive Euchre and Domino Party Hosted by Mrs John Terhune, Matawan (1902)

A winning euchre hand (Wikimedia)
Mrs John Terhune of Matawan hosted a progressive euchre * and domino party on Tuesday afternoon 18 Feb 1902, according to that week's edition of The Matawan Journal. Winners received prizes purchased in the Catskill Mountains the previous summer "and were very useful and pretty." The article names many of the prominent participants, including Mrs H D Terhune of Hackensack, who was a guest of the party host all week. The winner had to be determined by cutting a deck of cards.

* Check eHow to see how to play progressive euchre. Wikipedia has articles about euchre, euchre game playing variations, and euchre rule and terminology variations.
A full set of dominoes (Wikimedia)

This article is a good example of the poor optical character recognition (OCR) product that came from scanning the microfiche of The Matawan Journal.

Below is a copy of the article (left), paired with an OCR rendering of this article (right). As you can see, the OCR version is virtually unintelligible once you copy and paste the text underlying the image. Perhaps we should resurrect the original newspapers and have them scanned before they deteriorate further? Many images are so poor that they cannot be discerned visually, much less through the OCR version.

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