A blog about living in Aberdeen, New Jersey.

Friday, November 19, 2010

CB Sea Walk in the Home Stretch

The 3,300 foot Cliffwood Beach seawall, which runs from Lakeshore Drive to Beach Drive, has been topped with a scenic walkway and has or soon will be provided ADA-compliant rails and ramps, expanded parking, and new signage, according to The Independent. Two-thirds of the nearly $375,000 funding for this new Sea Walk comes from Monmouth County development grants and open space programs, while the rest is being paid for by the Township. I'll try to visit the site this weekend and update this article with some photos and personal observations.

Update: I walked the seawall from Lakeshore Drive to just past Treasure Lake. There's no new parking, ramps, or rails just yet, but the seawalk is impressive. I took some snapshots (see below). 
Lakeshore Drive end of the Cliffwood Beach seawalk looking towards Keyport.
Lakeshore Drive end of Cliffwood Beach Seawalk, looking westward.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, thanks to the County coming through with funds, the Aberdeen Democrats can finally deliver one of their 2007 campaign promises.
