A blog about living in Aberdeen, New Jersey.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Governor Christie's Strident Style Is Leading to a Turbulent Summer

Per NJ.com, key leaders in Trenton think Gov Christie and his administration are being so bullheaded about their reform agenda that they just might lead the government into chaos this summer. Christie's no compromise attitude is reminiscent of his assertive courtroom days. One official remarked, “He’s talking to the Legislature as if he’s still prosecutor and we’re the defendants.”

The same official felt that Christie's staff is insensitive to the needs of the working class and poor because his administration is overly white and insufficiently experienced with novelties such as public transportation and discount stores.  “That’s why it’s so easy for them to sit around a table, slash this, put a line through that. . . . How many of the guys sitting around that table have ever even sat on a bus?”

Another official says Christie is being stubborn on giving a tax break to the top 1% of earners. It is the wrong issue by 2 to 1 and it will eventually bite him in the butt. “He talks a lot about shared sacrifice. But then there’s that top 1 percent that’s not going to sacrifice, and they’re the ones who can afford it. I think he’s 1,000 percent wrong on this.”

Tom Moran, the author of the piece, says, "The governor is channeling his patron, George W. Bush, or maybe his hero, Ronald Reagan. He sees lower taxes on the rich as the key to economic recovery. And he promises to veto any attempt to extend last year’s income-tax surcharge on the state’s wealthiest families, those earning over $400,000."

Moran adds, "Christie and the Democrats are on a collision course over this year’s budget that could lead to a shutdown in state government on July 1."


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